We have been busy putting stuff in the camper so it is ready for the trip to Seattle next Tuesday for a doctor appointment. The cargo trailer is empty now and will be for sale soon since Bob ordered a larger one so we can put the Tracker in it if we want to. We can also just tow the Tracker behind the truck which is what we will do on the Seattle trip since we will need a way to get to the hospital and be able to park in the underground parking facility. The truck/camper certainly wouldn’t fit! Have a reservation at Lake Pleasant RV Park and look forward to seeing friends there.
Photo of the camper with the red towd, and the back of the camper with the new Fox Landing on the rear b umper.
Jim, Marci, Cassie and their friend Sarah will be here later today for the week-end. Their first time in Cove in almost 2 years!!! I have food and drink ready for a great time… It was fun planning the meals and cooking once again.
We now have a new garage door opener on the big door of the shop and the propane stove in the shop is fixed and ready for winter. Lots of things to do here at home!!! It’s been fun though.