Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25

Another week come and gone.  We had a wonderful visit with Wayne and Rosemary last Sunday morning, here from Cove.  They are our friends and neighbors who take care of our mail and keep an eye on our house for us.  It was great to see them and catch up on all the news from home.  We went to the Country CafĂ© for breakfast which is located in the Country Village just up the hill from us. 
Managed to make it to rehab all 3 days again this week but missed the Lung Transplant group on Tuesday.  Some days it is just not worth the struggle to get out.  Picked up my new glasses at Costco on Friday after therapy and it was so crowded!  No handicapped parking so we used one of their wheelchairs….

Bob purchased a Keurig coffee maker and we are enjoying it.  It just makes one cup at a time using those little prefilled k-cups… Verrrry quick.  Have some for tea and hot chocolate too, plus some flavored coffees. 

Woke up to a bit of snow this morning and now we are having some hail…  Sort of been a hail of a day.  It is supposed to freeze tomorrow and maybe some more snow.  Violet was excited this morning, but soon realized it was not enough to play in.  Maybe tomorrow.  Sounds like everyone is having a variety of weather going on this week-end!!!  Makes life interesting…

Violet had a trip to the beauty parlor on Thursday and looks really good.  Bob made dental appointments for us in a couple of weeks since we both need a cleaning and not able to make it home to our regular dentist. 

We are expecting Molly and Norm to visit in the morning from La Grande, assuming the weather is not too bad for them to travel here. 

That’s all for now!

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17

Just a few days since our last post…  We didn’t attend the Lung Transplant meeting on Tuesday and I didn’t go to therapy on Wednesday.  Some days are such a struggle just to get up, shower and dress that I can’t make myself do it…  I did go to therapy today!

Bob wrote a piece about being a caregiver and I told him to post it on the blog.  Both of our lives have been turned upside down and it is important for him to get his feelings out too.  He is my hero!!!

Life of a Caregiver

I decided to write a little about my life as a caregiver, but it is more than that.   I’m also a spouse of 42 years, a father, grandfather, have a dog that needs attention, home (rv) owner, part-time mechanic for two vehicles, and, and, and….. 

My week is currently a little full, but also allows me time for my greatest addiction… the computer and the internet surfing. 

Let’s start the week with Sunday, primarily because we seldom go places on that day, and that is the day I sort her meds for the week.   Patient is currently on about 15 different prescription and supplement meds; some are taken once a day, some more.   One of them is only taken on M-W-F.    We use three pill sorters for am, noon, and pm.  The morning pills are broken up between before and after food.   A fairly simple process, but it needs to be exacting to avoid duplication (overdose) or to avoid missing an important med.   Then, the daily activity of getting the meds to the patient.   Whew….  Lots of work. 

The biggest single task for me is oxygen management.   We have a concentrator that runs on house power, and then bottles that provide for some mobility.   Early in the disease, she was on 2-4 liters per minute of oxygen, and that allowed her to use some of the smaller bottles with a portable backpack.   We even had a small concentrator that plugged into the car 12v system.   For the past 6 months, it has rapidly progressed to only the house unit, and larger bottles that when used at 10 liters, last about 40 minutes.   At 15 liters, even less time.  

She currently is using 8-9 liters resting, and 15+ for showers and dressing.   Often, she uses two cannula’s for this to get some extra oxy for a few minutes.   Moving from the concentrator location to her seat in the living room is about 10’ and this activity, even if the concentrator is not on max flow, can cause her oxygen saturation levels to quickly drop to the 70% level (needs to be in the upper 90’s).  Hence, she really needs constant attention to keep her at the correct flow level.   Turn it up, turn it down, turn it up again, exchange empty bottles for full ones, untangle the hoses, turn it up and down again, and ..... 

Lately, because of the lack of energy, she needs some assistance in dressing, especially in putting sox and shoes on.  But, she charges on, hopeful for a lung donor. 

Oh…  I forgot…  In the middle of all these events, the dog needs to go out..  and needs attention.   Then its time to fix a meal.   Of course all of that is after I go to the store for groceries, do laundry, get gas for the car, drive her to physical therapy, and then I need to take care of some of my personal needs. 

I’m a guy, and for the most part, my life has been pretty good….  What is amazing to me, is that my wife has done stuff like this all her life.  The multi-tasking to take care of me, herself, our son, a job, the house, the shopping, the laundry, and all that stuff that I took for granted. 

It’s payback time..   But, this guy is not complaining.   I’m Looking for 43 years and beyond. 

The Caregiver..   ;-)

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13 #42...l

Today is our 42nd wedding anniversary and who would have thought we would be spending it here under these circumstances….  Thinking of home in Cove seems like another lifetime and we are living this “Twilight Zone” existence here in Bothell.   

Tonight we will dine with Denny and Candy, friends from Oregon. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10

Another week goes by…  Managed to struggle through three more therapy sessions this week and determined to keep it up as long as possible. 

Took a trip to Joann’s last Sunday for a new supply of yarn.  Ended up using their wheelchair to get across the store since it is such a long distance.  Once there I can walk around with the oxygen cart in the shopping basket and that works good. 

On Monday after therapy we went to Dave’s Drive-up in Lynnwood for a burger and milkshake as recommended by Dee at therapy.  It was really good and the price reasonable.  It is a small drive-up and walk-up place.

Wednesday after therapy we went to UW for blood work, required for the new medication.  Haven’t heard any results. 

Had an eye exam at Costco yesterday and ordered new glasses!  First time in three years and the prescription hadn’t changed dramatically but they added some magnification for up close since I’m doing so much reading, crafting, computing, etc.  Those things are what keep me sane!!! 

Getting in and out of Costco was a struggle on 15 liters but as long as I take it slow it works.  Now we need to figure out where to get our teeth cleaned since it is not possible to go home. A dental office opened up right across from the new Safeway (really close to the RV park) so we might check them out. 

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day next Tuesday

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3, 2012

Happy Friday everyone!  I made it to 3 therapy days this week WooHoo!!!!!  Some days I feel like the new meds are helping and other days not so much but I’ll take what I can get at this point.  After 30 days the meds will be doubled assuming the blood work comes out OK.  Can cause liver damage so they have to monitor the enzyme level.  Will let you know…..

We are enjoying some beautiful but chilly weather this week.  It is nice to have the sun out for days in a row instead of just an hour here or there.  Violet had a bath at PetSmart yesterday and looks really good.

Bob did a modification to the bathroom fan.  As in most rv’s, the power switch is on the fan and in the ceiling.  Just out of Betsy’s reach.   I ran some wire through a cabinet and installed a timer switch.  Now it is within reach of all.  3 hour project.   Hardest part was fishing the wires past all the ceiling insulation.   

Weather is nice, Bob in shorts today.... 62 deg

Not much else new here.  Just another day in paradise?  Or another week at Lake Pleasant…..