Saturday, June 20, 2009

Missoula, MT

Day 4: Arrived in Missoula around noon on Saturday. Did some shopping at Wal-Mart (a few things we forgot....) and on to Jim & Mary's RV Park, Hwy. 93, going toward Kallispell. This is a very nice park with lots of trees, flowers, grass and INTERNET!!!! We are finding it difficult to find wireless internet so our e-mails may be few and far between. Will be heading north in the morning.

Day 5: Well, we were able to grill some chicken last night and fortunately put the BBQ away before we went to bed. It rained steady all night long! This moning is cloudy but at least it stopped raining. Plan to head north soon and don't know when we will have internet again. We are having fun and enjoying the beautiful scenery. Have only seen a few deer so far....

We will probably cross the border into Canada tomorrow (Monday).


Art and Connie said...

Bob and Betsy,
Look forward to following along on your adventure.

Connie and Art

mln said...

Happy Father's Day!!! Looks like Dickey Lake must have been really pretty (Google Earth). Wish we were up there with ya!



Betty said...

Hi, I am enjoying following along on google earth! Thank you for sharing your trip. Happy trails.