Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Inuvik Day 2 plus

Day 28, Wednesday, 7/15: It rained off and on all night and today the wind is just blowing like crazy! There is some blue sky so who knows what is ahead. One thing for sure, we can’t put the camper back on the truck in this wind!!! So, we are hoping sometime today it will calm down. Plan to leave in the morning if all goes well…. We did not use SPOT yesterday. We are still in the same campground in Inuvik and if the sky remains somewhat clear we can use it today. Going into town for a bit and will try to post this on the blog at the library where we can have internet access. Might snow tonight. Weather service is similar to Union County... ya just never know if it is real...

1 comment:

mln said...

Snow! I can't imagine. Headed to 90-95 here today. Of course we're at work and can't enjoy it, but oh well. Glad you are having a fun time. Any decision about Bonneville? That's funny.