Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 20

Didn’t blog last week… Bob and Violet took a trip home, leaving Friday and returning on Monday (750 miles RT). My friend, Libby, spent those days with me and we had a great ‘girl’ week-end; shopping, crafting, watching movies and eating. It was a nice break from our routine for all of us. Violet loved being home and RUNNING all over the yard. She is pretty confined here and has to be on a leash at all times so she misses her freedom. Bob got some necessary chores done and had dinner at Mamacita’s with Richard.

We are finally experiencing some warm sunny weather!!! Hope it will last a few days at least. Have therapy tomorrow morning and maybe do a little shopping. Violet (Bob) has training on Saturday. Seems like there is always something to do which makes the days go by fairly fast. Have hope that our wait will not be too long. I have only been on the list 4 weeks and the average wait time is 3 months… We try not to think too much about it and just live our life in the moment. Sometimes I feel like I have stepped out of one life into another with the only constant being Bob and Violet. A strange feeling…. Everyone we see and talk to on a daily basis we have only just met and nothing is familiar except for the personal items in the RV. Even the RV is new!

Bob keeps busy with various little ‘projects’ and I keep busy with knitting, x-stitch and reading. We watch movies too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Bob & Betsy, it's Regan. I just came across your blog and got caught up on all of your news. Wow, what a lot to go through. I think of you both often and would love to email you. Please send me your email address if you get a chance. I'm at Take care, Regan