Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9

Another week gone by and I’m reflecting on my life and my many blessings. I feel fortunate to have a fighting chance at this disease. Unlike a friend and coworker who was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died 2 months later with no hope of a cure or treatment. She didn’t have the chance to retire and do the things she had planned. We were the same age and planned to retire about the same time. OK, so maybe I am currently tied to oxygen and things are more difficult than I would like them to be. I’m not in pain and can look forward to each day and make plans, at least in the short term.

We enjoyed a ‘quiet’ 4th here in the RV park. BBQ’d some chicken with our RV neighbors and did S’mores on the BBQ too. They didn’t allow fireworks in the park but you wouldn’t have known it for the noise! Lasted until about midnight! Violet did well with the fireworks noise. She was aware, but no panic noticed.

Our tomato plant has tiny little tomatoes on it! It was quite warm yesterday, in the 80’s, but today only in the high 60’s, low 70’s and cloudy/rainy. The weather here changes frequently.

Violet met another golden-doodle and was so excited. The woman was with an RV repair service and just happened to be across from us in the park. She says she has to find a home for this 1 year old female named Muffin. Wish we could take her but it just isn’t possible right now. She is a ‘very’ mellow dog and looks a lot like Violet except her fur is not quite as curly. Same color. So…., if you know of someone with a few hundred to spare, that wants a spayed/chipped G-D, let us know.

Bob made an offer on an 800cc Honda from another rv’r. A couple of problems… Owner didn’t want to sell and Bob’s offer was to store it for him…. ;-) Oh, well. We meet a lot of nice people in this park.

Dinner on Fri eve with Dan and Terri. Dan is 1 yr post transplant and they have connections to La Grande. Nice dinner with nice people.

This coming Sunday is the monthly RV Park breakfast with pancakes, eggs, sausage, and good company.

If the weather is nice, Bob and Mike will be back at the cannon engineering this weekend.

1 comment:

KatieRKinney said...

Hey Betsy and Bob! This is Katie and Adam. Jan resent me the link to your blog and we finally had a chance to catch up. I am glad you are doing this because it is hard to imagine what you are going through each day. How is the cannon doing? Any pictures? Did Muffin find a home? I wish we could take her too, but Dixie would probably disown us. Miss you guys so much and really do hope to make it up there next month! Love, Adam and Katie