Thursday, June 21, 2012

Friday, June 22

Drove to Leavenworth last Saturday and wished we had gone during the week as it was pretty crowded.  We did spend some time shopping and walking through the main area.  Violet was in the car and it was a warm day so we didn’t stay long.  I got a chance to drive and that was fun.  Bob didn’t appear to be tooooo nerrrrrrvous… 

Saturday evening we attended the monthly pot luck at the yurt and it was a full house!  I made chicken enchiladas Friday night so all we had to do was put them in the oven when we got back from our day trip and that worked well.  We sat outside even though it was a bit chilly and windy. 

Violet was groomed on Sunday morning and she looks really good.  She enjoys making her rounds of the park and greeting the other dogs along the way.

Monday I drove myself to get a pedicure!!  It was really fun to be on my own again and not feel dependent on Bob to haul me around. 

Tuesday we went to Maltby Café with John and Karen Nelson (‘cousins’ who took care of Violet while I was in the hospital, before Libby took her home).  It was fun and of course way too much food!

Dr. Raghu visit on Wednesday and he surprised us by saying we could move home anytime!!!  He wants to see me in 6 weeks and then if all is well, in 3 months.  I do have a low white cell count they are monitoring and I will need one more blood draw.  That is planned for Tuesday morning and we are hoping to be on the road home on Wednesday morning.  I can get periodic blood draws at the hospital in La Grande after that. 

We saw Paul and Caron at Dr. Raghu’s office and she is looking great after just 3 weeks!  Got her staples out and is feeling good. 

After the doctor visit, we headed to Beaverton to pick up some stuff we had stored at Jim & Marci’s house.  Had a nice visit with Marci and Cassie and spent the night there.  Jim was in China…. 

Thursday morning Bob attended a volunteer training with ‘Donate Life’ in downtown Portland.  He is still wanting to speak at various service organizations (Rotary, Lions, etc.) about organ donation.  Not sure when we will start that but it will be fun to travel around the state promoting organ donation and seeing the sights as well. 

In the near future we have lots of settling in to do at home!  Cassie is planning to spend late July and most of August with us.  She has really missed our home in Cove as much as we have. 

Thank you all for traveling this amazing journey with us.  With any luck, the next blog will be from home!!!!  And then maybe on the road for more of ‘Nelsons’ Travels’. 

Did you know that the human body donation of organs or components can save or enhance the lives of 32 separate people?   Please Donate Life. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YA HOOOOOO!!!!! SO very excited for you both, and us to have two wonderful people (and one wonderful dog) back in our community where they belong!!!

Thank you for sharing this journey with us all, and letting us witness God's miracle in your healing, Betsy.. -Laurie Batten