Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Drove to Beaverton for a great evening with MJC, then to Aumsville.  

Attended the memorial for nephew Jeff in Salem.  While it was good to see family, the reason was not so good.  We will miss him. 

Spent an evening with the Petersons and then headed across the muddled middle to Vale.  Our intent was to be at the BLM office for some maps on Monday am.

We had a great trip to the Owyhee (Hawaii) area of SE Oregon and some of Idaho.  Stayed at Succor Creek for two nights.  Day trip in the area looking for wild life.  Not a lot to be found.  Campfire was almost non existent because of the wind.

Headed for Jordan Valley to explore a part of the state we had never visited.  Cow Lakes BLM campground had a fence down and was full of cows…. Go figure… We left and drove back to JV.  The main RV park was disappointing as it was a former trailer park converted and generally still being treated as one.  We opted for a RV park right down town..  Was old, but usable.  Designed for the pre-slide out world..  We were the only ones there.  Clean, restrooms, laundry and a park next to it..  Walking distance to all of Jordan Valley business and restaurants (all 4 blocks).  Much slower pace down here, and that is a good point.

There is no Cell or Net service in JV unless you visit one of the two restaurants and use their mini wifi systems. Still in the land line world.  A step back to a slower pace.  Every one was friendly.  Stayed three nights and explored as much as we could.  Fantastic museum. 

Drove 125 miles on the second day there.   Into Idaho and then back to sage brush Oregon.  Ok, we have seen it…  probably will not go back for a while.

Home for clean up (every thing is very dusty) and we think Violet is much happier at home..

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