Wednesday, January 29, 2014

December 31, 2013

First Saturday we got home, Betsy had a baby shower to attend.   Lots of dog present, so Bob provided Dog care for all the attendees.   No dogs were injured in the filming of that project….  

The hot tub was in for repair during the Rushmore trip, so it is time to move the deck addition project forward.  Simple cover over that area to keep the rain and snow out.  No project is ever simple and never comes within budget…  This one was much better. 

During the project, we made another trip to Seattle for the bi-annual checkup with the transplant team.  Dr. Raghu was pleased with the testing..   Good to go for another 6 months. 

On the way home we stopped to see good friends in Gig Harbor, WA and spent the night in their drive way..  Like us they have a 30a hook up for visitors…   But the best part was seeing a new family member.  Scotty is only a few months old and had been in the house for only a week.  Violet is 60 lbs compared to the 2.3 lb Scotty.  V was gentle and play was monitored.  Scotty has a new friend.  Since we didn’t have to drive, we shared a bottle of wine (or 2).   Quick stop in Beaverton so we could get a granddaughter fix, and then back to Cove for a while. 

Friends from Oregon Coast here for a weekend, and again Bob is doing dog care (he likes that job).  One of the dogs is a greyhound and cannot be let off leash outside. 

It’s fall and lots of stuff to do for winter… including a barn sort so that we can get everything under cover for winter.  We have tooooo much stuff.. 

First week of November found us at the annual elk camp so the girls can have some down time..  Bob had a great week taking naps.   No elk this year, but lots of good times.  

Now we are off to Beaverton for a month.   Kids have a garage project for us to assist with, and we have also volunteered to make some presentation for Donate Life Northwest, to promote organ and tissue donation.  Lots of groups, mostly Rotary and Kiwanis clubs.  At the end, the count for 2012/2013 was 651 people attending and 2760 miles driven for that.   We feel good about the effort. 

Home..   For the holidays…   Jim, Marci, and Cassie are in Cove for Christmas.  2013 was a good year.  Even stayed up (or woke up) to say good bye to it..  Hoping 2014 is even better. 

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