Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Another week has come and gone (5 weeks on the transplant list). It was fairly nice today and we are expecting two more days of sun before the rain returns….Will just be glad for some WARM weather if that ever happens here. Guess we should be careful what we wish for. Violet wishes it would snow.

Yesterday’s pulmonary rehab was a bit challenging and I’m not sure why. Took a walk around the RV park this afternoon and it went OK although it does require all the strength I have to get motivated to do it sometimes.

The RV park is hosting a pancake breakfast on Monday morning which we will probably attend since it is held in the yurt right near our RV site. They had a potluck a few week-ends ago but Libby and I were busy crafting and didn’t feel like cooking a dish to take…. There will be many more of those during the summer I’m sure.

Mike (our RV neighbor) is doing well and healing nicely. It is great to see him out and about with no oxygen and his color is good. He is now 3 ½ weeks post double lung transplant.


Ken Emerson said...

Glad you are still able to exersise. Weather has not improved here, rains every day.

The Artic Fox road wariors arrived last week ( can't remeber their name).

Nothing exciting going on just waiting for summer, gave up on spring.

Praying for your situation


Caryln Saunders said...

The Artic Fox road warriors would be us, Dan and Caryln. Ken is right about the weather: there is fresh snow about 100 feet above us on Mt. Fanny. It has rained/snowed for almost 24 hours straight. We are grateful for a nice place to stay.

Good to hear how you are continuing to work on your exercise. It will pay off in the long run. Let us know if there is anything you want us to do here. We aren't worrying about watering the trees yet.
