Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday April 19, Speed bump # 2

ok.....  things went a little south today.   Just before noon, Code Blue....  For those non medic types, that is a heart issue.   I think 25 people stormed into the room.  She went into A-Fib.... ultra fast heart rate, due to a med issue.   She is now stableized and back into ICU.  Might be there for a couple of days until all the med issues are resolved. 

This scared the crap out me.   I was impressed with the medical staff and their response to an emergency.   I didn't realize so many professionals would respond, and that quickly.   The pain staff are in the room with her now and putting an epi back in.   They really need to control the pain so that she can move forward with rehab.   Surgeons said the xrays are good and show the lungs beginning to adhere to this strange new body.  

Thanks to all who have sent a text or email.  It may be a few days before she can read them, but I have tried to read a few for her as appropriate. 

More as I know it.   Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all are doing well. We are thinking of you and even our friends and family are asking how you are doing! Keep up the blogs; we appreciate them.
We had a couple of minor slowdowns on this end, including a new computer and a new cell phone all in the same week. One should not have to housebreak two devices at once.
Love to all, Dan & Caryln