Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 10

It’s Saturday night and we are in Beaverton. Plan to leave here tomorrow afternoon and head for

Bothell, WA. Jim and Marci will bring the Durango up next week-end and have a chance to spend the night in their new Wolf Creek camper for the first time. 

Haven’t heard anything from the insurance company or the pre-transplant nurse regarding the authorization for transplant. Hope to hear something on Monday…. Will post something as soon as we hear.

Bob had some mods done to the RV when we were in La Grande. New awning arms and topper awnings for over the slides. Good changes. Now we just hope that the mods for Betsy work just as well.


NEA said...

Hi Bob and Betsy, glad to know you are on track for Bothell. Thanks for taking time to update all of us on your blog, Bob. The very best luck to both of you. Love, Nancy and Mark

Unknown said...

It was great to have lunch with you on Friday, glad you are now all settled in at the park in Bothell. Hope the authorization letter gets there soon ! Take care. love, maryjo and jerry