Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4

Well, it appears that I am now close to being added to the transplant list. Had a call from Kim this morning, the RN with the pre-transplant team, and she said I am good to go except for getting confirmation from our insurance that they are authorizing a lung transplant. Once they receive that authorization then I can be added to the list. I do have an appointment with Dr. Raghu on Thursday and a couple of tests (pulmonary function test, blood work and ‘weighing in’ with the dietitian. We are planning to have the RV in Bothell sometime Sunday afternoon and hopefully I will be on the list sometime Monday!!!! Then it is a waiting game….

Thanks to everyone for your support. Couldn’t go through this without the love and encouragement of family and friends. We try to post something on Fridays. Of course, we will also have our cell phones and can be reached by e-mail.

This is an exciting, frightening, unbelievable time and we are just anxious to get on with it. We are trying to stay positive and looking forward to a good outcome.


mln said...

We love you. Can't wait to see you.

ked said...

You are both in our thoughts and prayers!

Love, Karen & Steve

Unknown said...

Sounds like everything is going as well as it can, keep up your spirits and positive thinking. We are keeping you both (& Violet) in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update! We love you, Cindy & Ron 8-)