Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 28 Mid week

Mid-week update!  As of Monday Betsy was temporarily taken off the transplant list due to the persistent UTI which has been resistant to most of the antibiotics.  Hoping the newest one works….  Anyway, we have decided to take a very quick trip home for a few days since this might be our only opportunity for awhile.  Plan to leave this afternoon (Wed) and return Sunday.  Making a doctor appointment for Monday to be retested for the infection and hoping to be back on the list after that.  Not sure we will have much opportunity to see many people since we won’t be home long and limited on oxygen bottles.  If we miss you, we are sorry….  

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sept 23

Still waiting and waiting.  The UTI came back (or never fully went away) and now waiting on some test results so they can get the right antibiotic.  With some of the medications taken, some antibiotics are not only useless, but potentially harmful.  Hopefully it will all be cleared up next week.  If the infection cannot be contained, a surgery for transplant might have to be postponed (assuming a correct size donor lung becomes available).  
Changes, again.   Bob will not be going to Cove this weekend.  Libby is sick enough that she should not be a caregiver for Betsy.  The trip will wait a few days.  Cove stuff is minor.  Keeping Betsy as healthy as possible is where we need to be. 

Violet made a trip to the beauty parlor..   got a good bath, brushing and tail trimmed.  Her tail was really matted and they had to cut most of the fur off.  She now really looks like a poodle with a little pom-pom on the end. 

It appears we are enjoying the last few days of summer!  According to the weather outlook it is supposed to start raining on Sunday and continue all next week…  It was nice while it lasted!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 17

One more week of waiting.   The increase in oxygen has made daily activities a little more bearable.  The urinary infection seems to be gone, and one less pill to take.  Back to the pulmonary rehab routine after missing it for a week… 

Ron and Cindy paid us a visit on Saturday and it was good to see them.  Got a quick update on Lacey family happenings in Oregon.  They brought beautiful, fragrant flowers from Pike’s market, some home canned tuna (yum!) and a beautiful dish Cindy had made. 

Bob has the truck packed for the quick trip to Cove next weekend.  This trip is more about exchanging summer stuff we have accumulated and retrieving some fall and winter items.  Minimal winterizing stuff at home.  Violet will be able to play in the back yard and run.  Libby is coming to stay with Betsy for a few days of crafting, movies, etc. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sept 9

A bump. Actually a pretty big one. Bets started talking about it being another nose-dive, but Bob was concerned that someone would think he was tripping her.

Over the past few weeks, she has been exhausted and apparently in need of more oxygen. Unfortunately, the prescription limited that action. She had a urinary tract infection, and that also took her down a little. Made an appointment with Dr. Raghu, the lead pulmonary Prof. at UW. He was surprised at the results of the breathing and walk test by the Respiratory therapist.

April Oxy needs were 2 ltrs resting and 4 walking.  That recently moved to 3-4 resting and 6 walking. Reality found that she often needed 5 resting and 8 walking. New prescription is 5-6 resting and up to 15 when walking or moving around the rv.

Dr. Raghu also sent her immediately to the ultra sound unit to get her legs tested for blood clots, because her oxy levels often dropped below the 75% level. They are also looking at schedules for the UW heart unit for a possible heart cath since the last was done in January in Spokane. This might happen next week.

Of course Bets took all of this in stride, and Bob was in panic mode. Normal.

Lincare has been great. Called within 15 min of our arriving back at the rv and asking if we need the new stuff that night. We agreed to the next morning. Friday am they showed up with a new (and quiet) concentrator that will go up to 10 ltrs, and a new portable valve for the tanks that can get up to 15 ltrs. They are looking for a double tank cart so that when she walks, there is less chance of running out of oxygen.

What does all this mean for the immediate future? Not sure. But, Violet is sure snuggling close to Bets. We think she might sense an issue.  Life is sure full of challenges.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3

Well, we are all settled in our new space. It is #54 (not 94 as previously mentioned…). Violet was a bit traumatized with all the activity but seems to be adjusting fine now, although she doesn’t have her view of all the people walking their dogs right outside her door! We are a bit more isolated or private, depending on how you look at it.

Noticing trees with leaves changing color recently. Can’t believe it is September already when we just had a taste of summer. Bob is planning a trip home in a couple of weeks to take care of some things. Libby is coming to stay with me for a few days and we will be doing some crafting and movie watching. It will be a nice change for both Bob and I and Violet too as she gets to go home… I considered going but decided it wasn’t worth the risk of missing out on a lung if one became available….

We are invited to Dan and Terri’s on Monday for a BBQ and that will be nice. They have a beautiful backyard and the weather is supposed to be warm and sunny.