Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 17

One more week of waiting.   The increase in oxygen has made daily activities a little more bearable.  The urinary infection seems to be gone, and one less pill to take.  Back to the pulmonary rehab routine after missing it for a week… 

Ron and Cindy paid us a visit on Saturday and it was good to see them.  Got a quick update on Lacey family happenings in Oregon.  They brought beautiful, fragrant flowers from Pike’s market, some home canned tuna (yum!) and a beautiful dish Cindy had made. 

Bob has the truck packed for the quick trip to Cove next weekend.  This trip is more about exchanging summer stuff we have accumulated and retrieving some fall and winter items.  Minimal winterizing stuff at home.  Violet will be able to play in the back yard and run.  Libby is coming to stay with Betsy for a few days of crafting, movies, etc. 


KatieRKinney said...

Thinking of you guys :-)

Anonymous said...

Bob and Betsy-
Our thoughts and prayers have been with you through this whole saga. I wish there was more we could do. When you are home next weekend, please let us know if we can do anything or keep an eye on things around home. We miss seeing you as we pass by.

Take Care,
Donna and Burr

The Collins said...

Always thinking of you two, keeping you in our know, you don't have to know someone a long time to know they are very special folks ~~

Jack and Laurie