Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3

Well, we are all settled in our new space. It is #54 (not 94 as previously mentioned…). Violet was a bit traumatized with all the activity but seems to be adjusting fine now, although she doesn’t have her view of all the people walking their dogs right outside her door! We are a bit more isolated or private, depending on how you look at it.

Noticing trees with leaves changing color recently. Can’t believe it is September already when we just had a taste of summer. Bob is planning a trip home in a couple of weeks to take care of some things. Libby is coming to stay with me for a few days and we will be doing some crafting and movie watching. It will be a nice change for both Bob and I and Violet too as she gets to go home… I considered going but decided it wasn’t worth the risk of missing out on a lung if one became available….

We are invited to Dan and Terri’s on Monday for a BBQ and that will be nice. They have a beautiful backyard and the weather is supposed to be warm and sunny.

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