Friday, September 23, 2011

Sept 23

Still waiting and waiting.  The UTI came back (or never fully went away) and now waiting on some test results so they can get the right antibiotic.  With some of the medications taken, some antibiotics are not only useless, but potentially harmful.  Hopefully it will all be cleared up next week.  If the infection cannot be contained, a surgery for transplant might have to be postponed (assuming a correct size donor lung becomes available).  
Changes, again.   Bob will not be going to Cove this weekend.  Libby is sick enough that she should not be a caregiver for Betsy.  The trip will wait a few days.  Cove stuff is minor.  Keeping Betsy as healthy as possible is where we need to be. 

Violet made a trip to the beauty parlor..   got a good bath, brushing and tail trimmed.  Her tail was really matted and they had to cut most of the fur off.  She now really looks like a poodle with a little pom-pom on the end. 

It appears we are enjoying the last few days of summer!  According to the weather outlook it is supposed to start raining on Sunday and continue all next week…  It was nice while it lasted!!!!


Anonymous said...

Betsy / Bob

Sorry for the infection, we will pray that it clears up.

Still willin gto help out with the Cove chores.


Anonymous said...

Been thinking about you and pray that the infection clears up. Hope you liking your new space, especially with the rainier weather coming up! = ) Miss you guys!
Love, Rochelle