Friday, December 30, 2011

Dec 30, 2011, almost new years eve

On Monday afternoon (26th), Bob was ‘attacked’ by a huge dog…    Violet… was running around and would come right at him, very close and fast.  Bob moved the wrong way at the wrong time, and a 60 lb dog did a full block at knee level.  Put the old guy down hard and he stayed on the ground for about 4-5 minutes.  Knocked the wind out of him.  Some minor blood, a bruised rib cage, and a very sore arm..  Violet understood there was an issue and she stayed by him the whole time.  Good dog..  Just strong.  The old guy will be more careful in the future. 

Ok, off to Beaverton.  Bob packed us up on Wed afternoon, and had 13 bottles of Oxygen loaded.  We left early Thursday morning and stopped at the Tacoma Mall to meet our friends Bill and Mary from Gig Harbor.  They had offered to finish a quilt I had started over 10 years ago!  The top of the guilt was done but it needed backing, binding and quilting.  The work they did was fantastic!  I love the backing they picked out and they used their new computerized quilting machine to quilt fantastic woodsy shapes (trees, moose, elk, etc.) to go with the quilt theme.  It looks so awesome!!  Not only did I think I would never see it finished, I could not have imagined it turning out so wonderful.  Many thanks to them from the heart! 

On Friday morning, Bob relented on the rib pain and made a visit to the VA Emergency Room.  Xrays and dr visit…  nothing broken, but it may be very sore for a few months.  Portland VA Hosp was great, but I got there at 7:15 am.  Must have been a slow time. 

We had a great Christmas in Beaverton with Jim, Marci and Cassie.  They could not have done more to make this Christmas any better!  Lots of great food, decorations and a fire in the fireplace to enjoy, and quality time spent together (not necessarily in that order!).  Violet was so excited to see Cassie and of course spent hours harassing the cat. 
We also met our friends, Mike & Susie, at Olive Garden on Friday for lunch and had a nice visit with them.  They brought a bag of goodies that we are still enjoying! 

Cindy & Ron stopped by on Christmas afternoon on their way to the coast for a few days.  It was so nice to see them.
Now we are back in Bothell settling in.  Thinking positive thoughts about getting a lung soon and starting the recovery portion of this adventure…  I have been on the list over 8 months now and feel it is getting nearer to the time when we ‘get the call’…  Have an appointment with Dr. Raghu on the 11th and continue to work at therapy.  It is a struggle but I do the best I can and try to keep at the same level as long as possible. 

Wishing a Happy New Year to all and hope it is a good one!  Hard to believe we are finally going into 2012 and it will be another interesting year I’m sure!


Ken said...

Good to hear you had a great Christmas. Bob, from experience I can tell you falling is no big deal it's the landing that gets you. The spring like weather here is working be hard, have been finishing last fall's outdoor projects. Betsy, we ar still in prayer about your condition and I know God has a plan for you.


Betty said...

So happy to hear you had a nice Christmas. You are always in my thoughts and I am inspired by you positive attitude. Big hugs to you , bob and violet for a wonderful new year!

mike said...

Bob and Betsy, It was so nice to see you both. And Bob hope that you are getting over your dog thing okay. Betsy as always you are in Susie's and my thoughtd and prayers. We hope to get to Bothell in a couple of weeks to see you both. We will call before we come. Are love to you both.

mike said...

oh yeah! Boy am I getting old and forgetful. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Cecilia Michel said...

Bob & Betsy -- Good to see that you are still doing o.k. Jim's ankle has been doing very well. He just finished 12 physical therapy treatments and the therapist is going to request 12 more. The joint is not a problem but those tendons that went into retirement in 1983 are objecting to having to go back to work again -- there is a lot of old scar tissue to work lose. We pray that 2012 will be THE YEAR for you to get your lung and a new lease on life. Jim & Cecilia Michel