I did a terrible thing to our Violet and feel really bad about it. Last Saturday I tried to cut a clump of matted hair from her ear and accidentally nicked her with the scissors. She yelped but we didn’t think too much about it after that. Well, when we took her to be groomed on Tuesday they mentioned that she had a bad looking cut on her ear and that we might want to have it checked. On Wednesday Bob and Cassie took her to the vet and they had to put her under, clean the area and put stitches in!!! Now she is on antibiotics, had to wear one of those cone things on her head at first so she wouldn’t scratch and has been given occasional pain pills. Can’t believe I did such a thing and I will never go near her again with anything sharp. I do such stupid things since I have been sick….
Libby dropped off
Sunday night just as we were preparing for bed I had a panic attack for the first time. I was moving my legs on the couch trying to adjust the blanket and trying to get Violet to move and guess I did too much too quickly because I got really out of breath. Sat up and felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. The more I struggled to breathe, the more I panicked, and the more I panicked the harder it was to breathe. It was awful!!! Hope to never have that happen again….
Tuesday Bill and Mary came to visit and they brought some casseroles and home made cookies! We had one casserole Tuesday night and the others are in the freezer for another day. It was so nice and we enjoyed visiting with them and hearing about their trip south. What great friends we have!!!! Cassie and Bob fought over the cookies.. Both won.