Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday eve, Apr 15

Betsy walked today about 150'...  had real food, and is generally in good spirits...  Still some pain, but overall, doing well.  Very tired tonight.  Some discussion about kicking her out of ICU and to the next level down, tomorrow.  Progressing very well.  Lots of well wishers have texted, FB commented or sent email...   No phone calls yet for a while please. 

On Wed morning, Violet leaves us for a while.   Libby is taking her to La Grande for a while.  Betsy needs to recover slowly without a dog jumping on her. 

Unless something major happens, I will hold off until Friday to update again.  This has been an amazing journey, especially the past few days.   I have come to really realize how important she is to me..  it has been both physically and emotionally exhausting.   Now we move on in our lives to the next challenges.  


Betty said...

Bob, you are amazing! Take a deep breath and get ready for wonderful years ahead. I know there is still a rough patch to get through, but what a great start he is making. Much love to both of you!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy for both of you. I will be back next week so please let me know if I can do anything for you.

God bless,
Jeff, Kelly, and the kids
We've been praying for you

the Collins said...

Yay, Prayers are answered, yet again! Keeping you two in our thoughts, wishing strength and healthy days ahead!

Jack and Laurie in Hood River

Anonymous said...

Praise God!! What a miracle! So happy your long heart-wrenching wait for lungs is over, and the recovery process has begun! I know Betsy will amaze everyone with her recovery. Love you both, and will continue to keep you both in prayers and thoughts.... -Laurie Batten

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! It's been a week or two since I last checked on Nelson's Travels, so I certainly couldn't believe my eyes when I read the 'flurry' of recent activity! What long overdue and welcomed news!


Tom & Kalen Mills
North Bend, OR