Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday, May 18

Had a great time with ‘the kids’ last week-end.  Saturday evening they grilled some flat iron steaks on the Traeger and Marci fixed a wonderful brunch on Sunday morning.  The weather was beautiful and we were able to sit outside at the picnic table for meals!

Monday the staples were removed and that was a milestone!  Feels good to have them out.  Saw an infectious disease doctor who said they found a strange bug when they cultured the fluid from the tube so I am now on an antibiotic for that.  He said it doesn’t really have anything to do with the lungs.  Having a few stomach issues (cramps and bloating) and not sure what is causing that.  Maybe all the meds???  I was supposed to get a routine broncoscopy yesterday but it was postponed until next week because I wasn’t feeling well.

Wednesday we did some shopping (gone about 4 hours!) and I was pretty wiped out when we got home!  It was fun though and wonderful to be able to walk around in stores without struggling to breath. 

The weather has been really nice although cooling down some.  We have been walking around the park every day while it lasts!  I have an appointment at Northwest Therapy on Monday so I can get back into that routine 3 days a week.  It will help build my strength which I need since my legs are still a bit shaky. 

Had stomach issues all week but Dr. Raghu prescribed a medication late Friday afternoon and it seems to be helping. 

The area that was oozing has just about dried up and the incision is healing so we are about through with the dressing of ‘wounds’!  I am also almost completely off of the pain medication and Tylenol.  Just had one yesterday…  Only hurts once in awhile and usually when I move the wrong way. 

I have even helped with some meals this week and washed some dishes!  It has been 5 weeks since transplant and the lungs are great.


the Collins said...

:) :) :) :) :)

Love n Hugs,
Jack and Laurie

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going so well! Hope the good news goes on and on.
The number one grandson just graduated from high school on Thursday, so we have been busy. (It takes a village....)

Love, Caryln & Dan

Anonymous said...

So amazing!! How blessed I am to get to witness your miracle! I am so happy you are doing so well! They say attitude is a big part of recovery, and I know your positive attitude will help you continue to heal and get stronger!! Any idea when you will get to come home?? -Laurie Batten